Organic Chemistry II (Bachelor 2nd year)
This course builds on the material learned in Organic Chemistry I or Organic Chemistry II for Biology/Pharmacy Students. Topics include advanced concepts and mechanisms of organic reactions and introductions to pericyclic and organometallic reactions. These topics are combined to the planning and execution of multiple step syntheses of complex molecules.
protected page Course website (Lecture slides and exercises)
OC VIII: Transition Metal Catalysis: From Mechanisms to Applications (Master elective)
Detailed discussion of selected modern transition metal catalyzed reactions from a synthetic and mechanistic viewpoint.
Understanding and critical evaluation of current research in transition metal catalysis. Design of mechanistic experiments to elucidate reaction mechanisms. Synthetic relevance of transition metal catalysis. Students will also learn about writing an original research proposal during a workshop.
protected page Course website (Lecture slides and exercises)
Inorganic and Organic Chemistry I (OACP1, Lab course)
Introduction into basic techniques used in the organic laboratory. Understanding organic reactions through experiments.
Part I: Basic operations such as the isolation, purification and characterization of organic compounds: distillation, extraction, chromatography, crystallization, IR (UV/1H-NMR)-spectroscopy for the identification of the constituion of organic compounds.
Part II: Organic reactions: preparative chemistry. From simple, one-step to multistep syntheses. Both classic and modern reactions will be performed.
protected page Course website (Lecture slides and exercises)